July heralds the middle of summer and with it come two gorgeous flowers that are unique not only in appearance but in growth as well. The Delphinium, otherwise known as the Larkspur, as well as the Water lily has both been awarded the honor of representing July as its birth flower.

Characteristics Of These Flowers
Symbolism, Meaning and Significance of Water Lilies
As the national flower of Bangladesh, the water lily has long been a symbol of life and love. Throughout Eastern culture the water lily has been a symbol used to convey emotions, ideas and experiences ranging from beauty to enlightenment. Not only is it a symbol of life and love but is also seen as a symbol of unity. For Buddhists and Hindus, the water lily is an important religious symbol. When a water lily is used in a bridal bouquet it represents purity of heart.
According to history the Larkspur was originally used as a deterrent for scorpions. The Larkspur is known as a symbol of an open heart and devoted attachment. Since the shape of these flowers resembles parts of the Lark (bird), it is no wonder that these beautiful flowers also symbolize swiftness and lightness after the Lark in flight.
Interesting Facts
A single water lily flower not only changes color from white to deep pink but is the only flower that bears fruit while it is in full bloom. Native Americans used the Larkspur / Delphinium to make blue dye while some Europeans ground the flowers for making ink. Both these flowers are special in their own right making July a very special month.
source: birthstonezodiac.com